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About javascript

The programming language of HTML and the Web is known as JavaScript. In other words, you can say that JavaScript is a high-level, untyped, interpreted, and dynamic programming language. This programming language is standardized by the ECMAScript language specification. It is a prototype-based programming language that supports object oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

This programming language has APIs for working with text, arrays, dates, and regular expressions. Various concepts that are not included in this programming language are networking, storage, and many more. JavaScript allows loading the content of a new page or submitting the data to the server without reloading the page.

The key features of JavaScript are as follows:

  • Imperative and structured: Supports the code of structured programming from C. Similar to C, JavaScript differentiates between expressions and statements.
  • Dynamic: Serves to be dynamically typed as many other scripting languages. In other words, a type is associated with each value instead of each expression.
  • Prototype-based: Uses prototypes where many other object-oriented languages implement concepts like classes for inheritance.
  • Functional: Considers function as an object having properties and methods.
  • Delegative: Supports implicit and explicit delegation.

Main uses

It is a general purpose, server-side scripting language, which runs on a web server. The main use of PHP is to develop dynamic web pages that load content, images, and other data from the databases based on the function written in the PHP le. The code written in a PHP le is executed by the PHP runtime. Apart from being used as a server-side scripting language, it is a well-written web programming language, which along with CSS and HTML has been changing the Internet. PHP is also used for command-line scripting. Usually the output of PHP code is HTML, but it is not a hard and fast rule, as its output can be JSON, XML, or binary data as well.

History of javascript

Generally, JavaScript is confused with the term Java; however, JavaScript was originally known as Mocha. On September 1995, the name was changed to LiveScript and then to JavaScript in December. In 1996 – 1997, JavaScript was taken by ECMA to bring the standard specification that the other browsers can implement on the basis of the work done at Netscape. ECMAScript is the official name given to the JavaScript on the basis of the work done at Netscape.

Users of javascript

The most common use of JavaScript is in developing Web pages. JavaScript converts the static page into a dynamic page – a page that can interact with the users without letting them wait for loading a new page as and when the request is made. JavaScript adds the logic to the Web page so that it can respond to the user’s actions. JavaScript makes the web page interactive, and allows the programmers to add animations. 

Javascript official website

Advantages of javascript

  • Proves to be as fast at the client-side as any code function can execute instantly instead of establishing the contact with the server.

  • Simple to learn and implement. 

  • Mixes with other languages and can be implemented with various applications.

  • You can implement JavaScript into any Web page irrespective of the file extension.

Disdvantages of javascript

  • Executes on the user’s computer; therefore, can be altered for malicious purposes.

  • Allows the browsers to interpret JavaScript differently. The output produced on server-side scripts will be same; however, the output at client-side is unpredictable.

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