About flutter
Flutter is an open-source UI Software development kit from Google that is used in the development of applications for Windows, Android, iOS, Mac, Linux, WEB, and Google Fuchsia.
Main uses
This mobile App SDK from Google comes with complete framework widgets and tools that provides developers with an easy way to build and deploy visually attractive mobile apps for both Android and iOS platform.
Highlighted Features of Flutter
- An easily accessible framework that enhances flexibility and high scalability capabilities.
- Hot Reload Feature. This allows developers to render change within seconds.
- A one-stop solution for development, deployment and managing changes in the apps
- Native Performance with the internationalized Flutter Libraries.
- Widget Library
- Its implemented on Dart, which is an object-oriented programming language.
History of flutter
Flutter is written using three languages, which include; C, C++, and Dart. Its initial release, i.e., the Alpha version was released in 2017. In 2019, v1.12.13+ hotfix.5 version was released.