What is RGB and Hex?
It’s an additive colour scheme that blends red, green, and blue light to produce the colours we see on TVs, computers, and cellphones. RGB colour is the most used colour scheme for online and computer monitors. You can modify the colour of the image from 0 to 255 by adjusting the values for each channel independently of one another.
The code is a hex triplet, which means it represents three different values that represent the component colours’ levels. A hash precedes a string of six or three characters that make up a hexadecimal colour value (pound sign). 0-9 numerals and A-F letters are frequently used in the string. For example, #FFFFFF, which is the hexadecimal equivalent of #000000 for black
While the rgb color model is mainly used to represent or display graphics in electronic systems such as televisions, printers, and computers, hexadecimal is more often used to specify colors in HTML and CSS code-powered elements such as web pages.