Decimal to Hex | Hex to Decimal

Converting between decimal and hexadecimal can be useful for tasks such as programming and working with memory addresses.

Convert number to decimal or to hex

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Hexadecimal to decimal converter

Converting a decimal number to a hexadecimal number can be done in a number of ways, both direct and indirect. In an indirect method, you must first convert a decimal number into another number system (for example, binary or octal), after which you can convert it to hexadecimal by grouping from the binary number system and converting each octal digit into binary, further grouping and converting these into hexadecimal.

However, this procedure takes a long time, it can be intimidating when you need to convert a large number of decimal numbers to hex or vice versa. At this moment decimal to hex or hex to decimal converter comes into the picture which ends your hour long work in a jiffy

Converting decimal to hexadecimal - hexadecimal to decimal

1Enter the value to convert in numeric form
2Click on 'Convert to Hex' to convert the value to hex form
3Click on 'Convert to Decimal' to convert the value to decimal form
4Click on 'Clear' to erase any typos
1Enter the value to convert in numeric form
2Click on 'Convert to Hex' to convert the value to hex form
3Click on 'Convert to Decimal' to convert the value to decimal form
4Click on 'Clear' to erase any typos

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Frequently asked questions

How to Convert Decimal to Hex?

The repeated division and remainder procedure can be used to convert decimal to hexadecimal. Simply simple, the decimal number is divided by the radix 16 many times. In between these divisions, the remainders give the hex equivalent in reverse order.

How to convert Hex to decimal?

Converting a hexadecimal number to a decimal number can be done in a number of ways, both indirect and direct. In an indirect method, you must first convert a hexadecimal number to binary or octal before converting it to decimal.

Is your tool secure and safe to use?

Yes, the free online hexadecimal to decimal converter is completely safe and secure, just as the md5 password generator, because all communications with our servers take place through secure SSL encrypted connections (HTTPS).

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