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About vue.js

Vue.js is a progressive framework that is incrementally adoptable to build user interfaces. This core library script is focused on the view layer, only making it easy to pick it up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. It also has the capabilities of powering sophisticated single-page applications when combined with the modern tool and supportive libraries.

Main uses

  • The significant component in Vue.JS includes; HTML Elements that encapsulate a reusable code.
  • It uses Virtual DOM a tool common in frameworks such as React, Ember, etc
  • It has the data binding feature that helps in the manipulation of the values to HTML Attributes.
  • It has a v-on an attribute that is added to the DOM Elements to listen to the events in Vue.js

History of vue.js

Vue.js was created bt Evan You, where he created Vue.js from Angular JS.  The first version of Vue.js was released in February 2014.

Vue.js official website

Official demo – how it works?

Advantages of vue.js

  • It’s tiny in size; the framework has a download size of 18 Kb, making it faster to download and lighter to install.

  • The virtual DOM rendering and performance are what makes ti preferred when compared to the other frameworks.

  • It has a reactive two-way data binding feature that connects between the model data updates and the view (UI)

  • It has large community support thus in case of any help you can get the right answers

Disdvantages of vue.js

  • Language barrier

  • Reactivity complexity due to the twoRisk of over flexibility.

  • Risk of over flexibility.

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